Title History International Heavyweight
Most Reigns
(Minimum 2)
  Reigns: First Win: Last Win:
Sheamus O'Shaunessy 2 Mar 28, 2005 Oct 2, 2005

Longests Reigns
(Minimum 31 Days)
    Won: Lost: Length:
1.  Mandrake Mar 3, 2008 Apr 4, 2011 1141 days
2.  The Supermodel Apr 4, 2011 Sep 9, 2013 883 days
3.  The Ballymun Bruiser Dec 12, 2016 Aug 8, 2018 611 days
4.  The Galway Grappler Aug 8, 2018 Mar 3, 2020 603 days
5.  T.J. Meehan Apr 4, 2015 Dec 12, 2016 597 days
6.  Captain Rooney Sep 9, 2013 Apr 4, 2015 564 days
7.  Vic Viper Jan 1, 2007 Mar 3, 2008 423 days
8.  Sheamus O'Shaunessy Oct 10, 2005 Aug 8, 2006 329 days
9.  Drew Galloway Aug 8, 2006 Jan 1, 2007 141 days
10.  D-Lo Brown May 5, 2005 Oct 10, 2005 126 days
11.  Sheamus O'Shaunessy Mar 3, 2005 May 5, 2005 62 days

Total Time Holding Championship
    Reigns: Span: Total: Average:
1.  Mandrake 1 2008-2011 1141 days 1141 days
2.  The Supermodel 1 2011-2013 883 days 883 days
3.  The Ballymun Bruiser 1 2016-2018 611 days 611 days
4.  The Galway Grappler 1 2018-2020 603 days 603 days
5.  T.J. Meehan 1 2015-2016 597 days 597 days
6.  Captain Rooney 1 2013-2015 564 days 564 days
7.  Vic Viper 1 2007-2008 423 days 423 days
8.  Sheamus O'Shaunessy 2 2005-2006 391 days 196 days
9.  Drew Galloway 1 2006-2007 141 days 141 days
10.  D-Lo Brown 1 2005-2005 126 days 126 days

  CITY: #
 Ireland 10

Event: Changes:
Live Event 10